Advocate for Your Children
My parents made a lot of sacrifices to put me through private school. But I wanted to be with all the cool kids. And the cool kids went to public school. I begged my mom to let me go to public school in the 8th grade. She relented. But at the young age of 12, I was unaware of educational disparities. I went from high standards & expectations to some form of babysitting.
I will never forget going to the Vice Principal to ask for permission to join the honors classes so I could be challenged more in my academics. He told me, “You’re fine where you are.” (My blood still boils, to be honest.)
I didn’t get my parents involved because, hello! This is what I asked for. Don’t you know that by the end of the year, I was begging to go back into private school. Systemic racism is not political fodder. It’s a freakin’ reality that I was exposed to at an early age. I’m asking parents of color to be consciously aware of the people in charge of educating your child, starting from pre-school until they graduate from high school.