Got Therapy?
When I was in grad school, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. came to speak on campus. I wrote about in a previous post. He said something I’ll never forget which is, “If I could pay for every African-American to get therapy, I would because we all need it.” I agree.
I love my family. I love Jesus. I love love. With all that love going around, there were still moments this past year where I felt I was going to lose my ever-loving mind (and not just because of Coronavirus.) Thankfully, I have people to talk to. But there are many people during this pandemic that don’t have any support. But I feel the social tide turning towards recovery and wellness. I’m hearing more and more people talk about being in therapy. I’m here for it! I’m all about it! But I know some environments where it’s still taboo:
Culturally Where I grew up, you would be labeled crazy to go see a therapist. Not only that, there was family pressure to not be telling all your business.
Spiritually There are plenty of people who believe that if you have mental or emotional struggles, your lack of faith is the reason. Some people never seek help because they’re told that loving Jesus more, reading your Bible more, and praying harder & longer will solve their problem.
Socially Nobody likes to feel like a hot mess. Many choose to suffer in silence and pretend that their life is great because everyone else looks like they have it all together.
Regardless of what has stopped you until now, it is my hope that this and every Black History Month, more people come to the realization that getting help is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Here are a couple of resources:
*I have not received services from either of these organizations. A rule of thumb with therapy is to talk to therapists and see which one you vibe with best (just like dating☺)