How Did You Do It

How Did You Do It_Blog Post GraphicAs loathsome as I found that conversation to be with that nurse , she did bring up a good point: if we (men and women hoping to become parents and looking for encouragement wherever we can find it) are going to be on this journey through infertility together, we should be transparent about our efforts and actions and share them with one another.  It is a disservice to the infertility community to be quick to post “I’m pregnant” announcements yet choose not to mention the path that got us there.

I did get there.  I ended up pregnant!  And here is the complete lowdown of what I did:

First and foremost I allowed myself to be led by my faith

Fear is a mothersugar.  This journey is difficult enough without having to manage all the dread, doubts, and negative thinking coming from naysayers let alone yourself.  I received a Masterclass lesson in faith when I was single into my 40’s, not knowing if that special someone would ever come my way.  I learned the hard way not to base my hope for the future on the lack of today. 

And I carried that lesson into our infertility journey. 

Every time doubts and fears started creeping up, I reminded myself of what I DID know in the midst of all the uncertainty.  I knew there was a reason one of the first gifts Angelo gave me when we were dating was a bib; I knew that there was a reason I promised my mom I would fulfill her dream to have a son;  I knew that the emotional burden of this unfulfilled desire was too much for us to handle on our own and that trusting God with my deepest desire was a supreme act of faith. I decided that if this dream doesn’t happen for me, I will have to discover what’s next but I have got to show up every day bright with hope for my dreams.

Bib described in post

One of the first gifts Angelo gave me when we were dating

Advocated for myself

I have gotten myself in the habit of taking an active stance in my healthcare, meaning I learn as much as I can on my own, consult my doctor friends, and ask for what I want/need instead of only being dictated to.  If someone was going to tell me no, it was going to be God.  I won’t be swayed by anyone else. If you are in your 40’s, trying to get pregnant, and haven’t started advocating for yourself in this way, you are going to have to start doing this TODAY.


My friend Missylane was convinced that if I start adding yoga to my regimen that I would get pregnant.  When I reached out to a prenatal yoga teacher, she told me that the best thing I could do for myself physically is to do acupuncture.  I had weekly appointments throughout the IVF process and then throughout my entire pregnancy.  If you’re in Northern California you can reach out to Acupuncture Fertility Specialists or Way of the Phoenix for more information.  As you can imagine, the whole eastern vs. western medicine applies here.  At best, I have gotten a doctor to say it can help balance your emotions.  Learn for yourself to decide if it sounds good for you.

Took every test known to mankind

Both Angelo and I were tested for everything under the sun. I was tested for endometriosis and also had a biopsy to check for abnormalities while Angelo had his sperm count tested. The doctors ultimately ruled out all common maladies and diseases that prevent people from getting pregnant and this was one of the major reasons I felt emboldened to keep trying – the doctors did not find anything malfunctioning in either one of us! So, if there is something you take away from this is that you should make sure to consult with your doctor so he/she can let you know what tests you need.

Underwent IUI and IVF

These are the two methods we used to try to get pregnant.  We tried IUI twice to no avail and then tried IVF.  My brief IVF story: the geneticists examined the eight eggs that were extracted, said six were mature enough to test, and from the six, found and created one viable embryo.  And it ended up in a pregnancy.

There you have it: the entirety of our journey.  It is my hope that if you are reading this in the midst of your own journey that you find some direction and encouragement.  And if you’re open to it, let me know about your journey.  We really are all in this together!



  1. Annie Marlow on December 9, 2020 at 11:51 am

    I love this, and I’m so happy for you.

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