A Thing or Two About What I Do
I am a left-handed, only child, Christ-follower who is passionate about sushi and the world of recovery.
I am a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist & Trainer which means I help people recover a sense of happiness in their life and I train others to do the same.
Why I Blog?
I am the type of person who has thoughts about my thoughts and then writes them down. The majority of what you will read on this site is the result of my constant flow of thoughts combined with life experiences.
I spent the majority of my adulthood living the single life. I sometimes loved it and sometimes hated it. So I set out to write about the everyday life of being single and/or dating in the most emotionally honest way I knew how. And that single desire has grown into the bigger question, no matter what season of life you find yourself in which is “how do I go about living my best life?”
What I Teach?
Grief Recovery Workshops
I have yet to reinstate the in-person workshops since the pandemic. Contact me or sign up for the newsletter to receive the most up-to-date information.
This is a 2-day, 8 hours a day workshop focused on healing your broken heart whether it was caused from a death, divorce or any of the other 40 different losses we experience throughout our lives.
Grief Recovery Method Certification Trainings
Moving On
This is a class about romantic relationships, namely how do I dump my emotional baggage to make room for the love of my life. Or if you’re not looking for a relationship, this class helps you dump emotional baggage from the past so you are free to be your best self. Classes are currently only in Sacramento. Contact me for more information.
Mo Betta (adj.):
1) the unyielding pursuit to improve 2) what the founding fathers would classify as the pursuit of happiness 3) finding what’s fabulous and celebrating it 4) finding what sucks and making it better